Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Shopping at the Outlet Malls

Justin and I took the baby and went shopping at the outlet malls in Tulalip yesterday for their Giant Presidents Day Sale!! This meant that there were a couple better deals than usual, but for the most part there were just a lot more Canadians (a Canadian lady informed me in my office that it was also Family Day in Canada yesterday - a.k.a. "Shop in the USA Day Since our Dollar Stinks Right Now and Tax is Still a Lot Less"). These are my observations from the trip.
* If a stroller made for one child has a squeaky wheel that will drive me half crazy because I can hear it throughout half of a giant crowded store, then a stroller made for two children that has a squeaky wheel will drive me fully crazy because I can hear it throughout the entire store.
* When rich young women see photos of Trends in Trendy Magazines they will proceed to purchase every item on that page so that we will all know just how Trendy are, despite the fact that they may end up wearing the skin-tightest sprayed-on leggings shoved into riding boots that actually call for a decent Christian wife to request that her husband looks at the Trendy Woman's Bottom to agree that it looks ridiculous.
* I can see a nice lotion/body wash/candle set and dismiss it as a normal price (and therefore not a good deal) when it costs $9.99 regularly, but when it's been discounted down from $99.99 (I kid you not, in case you too didn't believe that a bathroom goodies set could possibly cost that much) suddenly I find the $10 price an incredible amazing deal even if I have never heard of the brand before that day.
* I'm a sucker for anything with cute little whales blowing out perfect spouts of water and smiling on it.
* God doesn't answer selfish prayers for the $50 purse to be marked down to $30 when He knows that you have a perfectly good purse at home even if it isn't The Greatest Purse Ever and you are certain that you need it.
* Canadian drivers don't believe in signaling, not cutting you off, going the speed limit, or stopping for stop signs when they are in the US.
* My son really is the cutest baby ever. Even if another baby has a sweet cherub face or dimpled cheeks or bright blue eyes, no other baby has the expression or personality that he has. Thank God for my ham of a baby.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Remember in high school when we made that drawing of Trendy Girl wearing all the trendy clothes in math class? With the shrug? And the dress over pants? That was awesome.