Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Advice for an 18 year-old

I haven't posted in nearly a year, I know. But I was pretty proud of all the advice I could round up for giving an 18 year-old. I'm not sure about college or future plans, so it's a little generic, but I still like it. Any other advisors for what everyone should know at 18?
Never put an earthly man above yourself. Be nice to those who hurt or ignore you. Pursue your goals confidently but with caution. Be wise with your money so you can splurge once in a while. Be a lady: don't smoke, don't get drunk, and don't swear. Your manners and politeness will reflect well onto everyone who meets you. Begin your studies and work as soon as you are assigned it; you will avoid a lot of last-minute scrambles. Hold on tightly to those you love, even if they drive you crazy. Try new foods. Seriously, don't waste time worrying about your looks, especially since you are beautiful. Beware of lust, though - it's the most prominently accepted sin in the natural world, with the worst consequences. Don't be afraid or anxious about difficult things; take a break, figure out a way to accomplish them, and do it. Work hard and don't be ashamed of minimum-wage jobs. Real friends don't need to cling to drama for relationships. If you think you're hungry or if you're feeling sick, try drinking a glass of water before eating or medicating. If you still feel sick, take a nap. Don't loan anything that you expect to get back. Get in the habit of exercising now. Don't just "try" things - either do them or don't do them, and always make good on your promises. Read your books. And know that above all things, life will just keep getting better if you are obedient to the Lord.