Tuesday, June 9, 2009

a guy peed on my bus yesterday

My bus ride from Seattle to Tacoma is about 45 minutes long from the last stop in Seattle to the first stop in Tacoma. At any time in the afternoon, there is a bus no longer than a 10 minute wait to take you there. They come really often. Often enough, that if you had to pee really badly you could get off the bus, go pee, and get on the next bus. As long as you were still in Seattle. Now if you were an Icky Hobo and didn't think that far in advance, then 5 minutes into the freeway part of the ride, you would consider hunkering down on the stairs that sit halfway in the bus, and just pulling out your Icky Hobo penis and peeing on the stairs. Then you wouldn't really worry too badly about 40 minutes more of disgusted other passengers that can't possibly be more eager to get off the bus. Well, that's what happened. Yuck, huh? Some lady starting screaming, "This guy is peeing on the bus!" and some guy standing near the stairs looks over and starts laughing in disbelief. Then some weird dorky guy with a 15 year-old's mustache asked everyone for their newspapers and actually tried to absorb it from the steps. If ever there's a time to not be a hero, it's when there's Icky Hobo pee involved. Just let it be, fella. When we got to the bus station, the man was greeted by a cop and two bus officials...all wearing rubber gloves. I've never been so glad to be home.


Christabelle said...

Oh my goodness! I am SO glad you made it through in one piece! I know I've had moments when I thought I'd pee my pants, but I'd never drop my drawers to do it. Suppose there's a bright side...at least you weren't the stairs!

Rachel said...

Oh that's just awful.