Monday, March 10, 2008

Six-word Memoirs

I just read about a book called Not Quite What I Was Planning - a collection of six-word memoirs (written autobiographically). Here are some of my favorites before I attempt my own:

Seventy years, few tears, hairy ears.
Catholic school backfired. Sin is in!
Born in the desert, still thirsty.
And now it's my turn:
Loves: God, husband, baby, myself, Tacoma.
Once I'm dead it could be accurately changed to "Loved" and "children." I toyed with
Thank God for everything I’ve had. 25 and far left to go. I really really really like life.
but none of those captured anything specific. After Tacoma would be friends & family, I guess, but I'll have to save that for 8-word memoirs. What would yours be?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Days start well with good coffee.